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You can buy these homes for the cost of a U-M degree

Linda Lombardini

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

Jan 29 2 minutes read

It's back-to-school week and I was just doing a little collegiate math. I was curious. What kind of home could you buy in the Ann Arbor Area in 2017 for the cost of an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan?

Using U-M's calculator, here's what one year at U-M costs for in-state students.

And here's the cost of one year for an out-of-state student:

Add up all those years, with a 3 percent rise in costs every year, and here are the totals.

In-State Costs
Per Year
Out-of-State Costs
Per Year
  $   46,712
$   70,212
$ 195,393 
$ 293,738

I searched for homes in Washtenaw County, which includes Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Milan, Saline, Ypsilanti and their various townships—and came up with some nice digs.

Area homes for up to $195,393

See These Homes

Of course there are many more homes available in the higher price range that out-of-state U-M students pay for their degrees.

Area homes up to $293,738

See These Homes

A peek at the homes in the $293,738 category

And here's what you'll get if you just want to look around!

Area homes up to $6 million

See These Homes

Now, I'm not advocating that one should forgo a degree from the University of Michigan. Many—or even most—Wolverines who graduate will gain great earning potential and may be able pay for the degree and  the house! I was just doing a little back-to-school math. And for the record, I am still a Sparty. I just happen to live and practice in Ann Arbor!

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