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Interior Housepainting Tips for Newbies

Linda Lombardini

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

Jan 29 3 minutes read

interior paint

Anyone would agree that a fresh coat of paint is the easiest, most cost-effective way to give your home a clean, new look for spring – and even you've never wielded a paintbrush before, a few simple tips will help you get results you can be proud of.

From eLiving, here are nine tips that will have you painting like a pro:

Prep and patch – Long before you pour the paint, be sure walls are clean and dust-free and use patching paste and a putty knife to patch and smooth any existing chips or nail holes. Use masking tape to mark off windows.

Pick your paint – Apart from choosing color(s), decide which type of paint to use. Latex-based paints are easy to clean with soap and water, but are not as durable. Oil-based paints require a bit more care, but are more durable for areas that get lots of wear and tear.

Pick your brushes – For oil-based paints, choose a brush with natural bristles. For latex-based paint, pick a brush made of synthetic material such as nylon.

Have all materials on hand – In addition to those above, you will need: drop cloths, gloves, paint rollers and trays, a ladder, primer, stir sticks, paint thinner, and a ball cap to protect your head. Disposable roller tray liners will save some time and effort.

Prime first – Open the windows to let fresh air circulate. Then use primer to prime the walls before you paint – especially in older homes with lots of patched holes.

Mix the paint – For large areas, pour all the paint into one bucket and mix it together using a sturdy paint stick. This will ensure the color is consistent even if there are slight variations from can to can.

Paint in order – If you are painting the ceiling, paint it first before the walls, doors and trim. Just a few strokes of the roller on walls or ceiling will help you find the rhythm that works for you.

Clean brushes and tools – Remember to use water for latex-based paint brushes, paint thinner for oil-based.

Get rid of paint fumes – In addition to opening windows while priming and painting, try banishing paint fumes faster by pouring a little vinegar into a few bowls and setting them out throughout the painted room.

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