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Got 5 Minutes? Spruce up Your Home with 10 Quick Fixes

Linda Lombardini

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

"Linda is the consummate professional when it comes to dealing with real estate in the Ann Arbor area...

Jan 29 2 minutes read


Everyone likes a home that looks neat, clean and
orderly—even when there's just no time for a thorough
going over. But, suggest DIY lifestyle advisors, spending
as little as five minutes a day can go a long way toward keeping things on track in between scheduled cleanings.

What can you do in just five minutes?

  • Sweep the front steps and shake out the welcome mat—If there's minute left over, run a dust cloth over the front door. Guaranteed to make guests feel more welcome.
  • Sweep the front steps and shake out the welcome mat—If there's minute left over, run a dust cloth over the front door. Guaranteed to make guests feel more welcome.
  • Take a duster to the ceiling fans—A couple of quick swishes are all it will take to banish all that built-up dust.
  • Spritz the bathroom mirrors—You may be surprised to find you can have them shining in five minutes or less. If there's time left over, spritz your bedroom mirror.
  • Challenge the kids to a five-minute pickup—A small prize to the one who picks up and stows away the most stuff in five minutes.
  • Check the fridge—Do a quick scan of produce and 'best by" date labels, and pitch what's been around for too long.
  • Spray the kitchen counters and cooktop—Do it during a TV commercial break, then wipe it all clean during the next one.
  • Run a baby wipe over the baseboards—The vacuum cleaner just doesn't reach there!
  • Wipe down the flatscreen TVs—If you don't have the proper type of cloth, use the dust-free wipe you use to clean your eyeglasses.
  • Run a mop or broom into the dark corners of the hallway—If there's a minute left over, do it again in the bedrooms.
  • Check your stock of light bulbs and batteries—If it's low, make a note for your next shopping list.

Reprinted with permission from RISMedia. ©2015. All rights reserved.